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emotions in the body and the mind



Massage technique developed by Dr. Eva Reich in United States between 1951 and 1952 while working in the premature babies unit of Harlem Hospital, increasing dramatically the life expectancy of these babies.

The working principles of this technique are focused on observing and respecting the needs of the baby and the mother, working on the flow of vital energy and with a touch as soft as the wings of a butterfly.

Why it is important to have a free flow of vital energy in the body of the baby?

Diseases are manifestations of energy blockages in our system. In an adult, this energy doesn't usually move freely because the wide range of experiences lived since childhood have been accumulated on the energy circulation paths and have increasingly closed those paths, diverting the course of the energy or conditioning it.

The newborn, coming from a perfect, secure, autonomous, rhythmic, fluid and warm environment, will tend to preserve this already felt and experienced harmony and will cry to achieve the attention and care of the mother or the father.

In this patriarchal society, the adult, already far from his own internal rhythm, does not know that it can give continuity to the flow of vital energy of his baby, preserving his health and his emotional strength.

Doing it with Gentle Bioenergetics provides an opportunity to the adult of «reconnecting» with his own flow, as well as to offer to his son/daughter more autonomy and freedom, more resistance and, in definite, be a human being more regulated and free from future pathologies.

For example, the experience of a traumatic birth (caesarean, premature newborn, provoked child born, anesthetic administration, forceps, round cord, vacuum extraction, ...), in the same way that when we receive a «shock» or traumatism, our body and our vital energy contract. Through a warm touch, tender and soft, with the conscious presence of who gives the massage and following the laws of the flow of the vital energy, is possible to re-establish the flow, allowing that the newborn re-connects in a flexible way, healthy and without violence with the extra uterine world.

In the same way, the mother can create a physical and emotional space that facilitates the relationship and the bond with his or her baby. She can create a space to hear and understand the needs of both, connecting again with her feminine essence and wisdom.

It's a unique encounter between therapist and mother-infant dyad. Combining experience, presence, observation, technique, touch, nutrition and care with the aim of highlighting the present emotional reality and re-establishing the vital energy flow.

Individual sessions or in small groups, taking advantage of synergy.

Butterfly Touch Massage

* 1924 - † 2008

Les malalties són manifestacions dels bloqueigs energètics del nostre sistema.
Els principis de treball d’aquesta tècnica estan enfocats a observar i respectar les necessitats del nadó i de la mare, treballant segons el flux de l’energia vital i mitjançant un tacte tan suau com el de les ales d’una papallona.